
Latex #

Makefile #

A generic Makefile for building Latex document:

## PDFLatex
    latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode" -jobname=$@ -use-make $<
## XeLatex
#   latexmk -pvc -pdf -e '$$pdflatex=q/xelatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode %S/' $<

    latexmk -CA

Compiling document remotely & viewing locally #

I mainly edit and compile a Latex document on a headless Linux server, while reading the compiled document on a local Windows laptop (with WSL).

Remote #

Watch for changes and compile on change:

echo *.tex | entr sh -c "make && cat *.pdf | nc -c localhost 8888 && echo updated"

Local #

Receive the updated document and render to PDF reader (mupdf):

mupdf test.pdf &
ssh -R 8888: -N remotehost
while true; do \
    nc -l -p 8888 > x && cat x > test.pdf && pkill -HUP mupdf && rm x; \
Calendar Last modified: March 12, 2019