Password Management #
Group Shared Passwords #
Enpass is suitable for a group of people to share passwords, for the following reasons:
- It’s free, well-maintained.
- Its encrypted database can be synced via Google Drive and changes to the database can be propagated to other members automatically.
- The revision history is kept on Google Drive and can be back-uped offline.
For Personal Use #
I use Bitwarden. Generating passwords and keeping high-entropy, unique passwords for each websites is very convenient.
SSH Keys Management #
Rule of thumb #
- Don’t share SSH keys across multiple hosts; one key per host.
- Every SSH key should be passphrase-protected
- Use ECDSA (on older system, use RSA at least 4096 bits)
- SSH keys should be stored in an encrypted file-system (
). - On Microsoft Windows, FUSE or LUKS file-system won’t work, use GPG-encrypted tar file and extract them on a
(see the guide below).
Add keys to ssh-agent on-demand #
Manually add SSH keys to ssh-agent
can be burdensome; it’s also undesirable to type passphrases of many SSH keys on boot.
Instead, we desire to decrypt a SSH key only when we are about to use it. Here’s how to:
Use gnome-keyring
whenever possible. It’s very user-friendly. If it’s otherwise undesirable, use keychain
to re-use ssh-agent
- In
eval $(keychain --eval --agents ssh --inherit any --nogui --nocolor --quiet)
- Add the following line directly to
:AddKeysToAgent yes
You’re done. Whenever a key is needed, the passphrase is being prompted on-demand.
Encrypted file-system: cryfs #
This trick keeps your SSH keys encrypted on Linux when not used.
- Enable
- Mount the FUSE:
cryfs ~/.vault/.ssh/ ~/.ssh -- -o nonempty,allow_root
When ~/.ssh
is still not mounted, we still want to access ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
(this file is non-confidential), so change the path of the file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
: AuthorizedKeysFile
to ~/.ssh-authorized_keys
GPG-encrypted SSH keys #
This trick keeps your SSH keys encrypted on Windows (with WSL) when not used.
- Generate GPG key at first use:
$ gpg --gen-key
- Mount
by adding into/etc/fstab
(it actually works on WSL!):
tmpfs /home/yourname/.ssh tmpfs defaults,uid=1000,mode=700 0 0
- Use this script for decrypting SSH keys into the
gpg --decrypt --output - $KEYSTORE | zstd -d | tar -xf - -C ~/.ssh"
- Use this script for encrypting SSH keys if you update any key or
tar -cf - -C ~/.ssh . | zstd | gpg --encrypt -o $KEYSTORE --recipient yourname"
When starting WSL, ~/.ssh
will be automatically mounted. When you are to ssh
to other hosts, simply decrypt SSH keys as shown above.
Light-weight Web Proxy #
When the sole purpose of IP masquerading is browsing websites that require an academic IP, a transfer-layer-based proxy like SSH tunnel is much faster than IP-layer-based counterpart such as VPN.
I use SmartProxy on Firefox to browse
ACM Digital Library and IEEE Explorer off campus.
Configure a local socks
as proxy server and run the following command:
ssh -D 19000 -q -x -C -c aes128-ctr [academic-host]
Reverse Proxy Setup #
Purpose: You have a PC in your home that you want to access from external network.
Prerequisite: Select a computer with public IP and no firewall restriction (you can open arbitrary port and the
firewall will not block external access to the port) to serve as jumper. In the following example, we will choose
provided by the CSIE department as our jumper.
Steps #
First, construct a SSH tunnel in your home PC:
# Run this command inside a `tmux` section:
ssh [My username on CSIE] -o GatewayPorts=true -R -N
This will open the 10022 port on the jumper computer and all traffic destined for port 10022 will be redirected to port 22 in your home PC.
Next, on the jumper computer, open a port redirection process which redirects all external traffic destined for port 10023 to the 10022 port on localhost.
# Run this command inside a `tmux` section:
socat TCP-LISTEN:10023,fork TCP:localhost:10022
Now, you can log in from any external IP:
ssh -p 10023 [PC Username]
Data backup #
Use Duplicity to create encrypted, compressed backup to Google drive:
duplicity full -v 8 \
--include-globbing-filelist backup-list.txt \
--exclude "**site-packages" \
--exclude "**/node_modules" \
Here’s backup-list.txt
(the files prefixed by -
will be excluded from the backup):
- /home/yunchih/.cache
- /home/yunchih/.config/google-chrome
- /home/yunchih/Downloads
- /home/yunchih/.local
- /home/yunchih/.ssh
- /home/yunchih/.mozilla
- /home/yunchih/.npm
- /home/yunchih/.oh-my-zsh
- /home/yunchih/.thunderbird
- /home/yunchih/.vagrant.d
- /home/yunchih/.vim
- /home/yunchih/dotfiles/vim/.vim
- /home/yunchih/VirtualBox\ VMs
- /home/yunchih/.wine
- /home/yunchih/.gem
- /home/yunchih/.bundle
- /home/yunchih/.atom
- /home/yunchih/.cargo
- /home/yunchih/.cabal
- /home/yunchih/.cpanm
- /home/yunchih/.stack
- /home/yunchih/.debug
- /home/yunchih/go/pkg